Cobwebs Of The Mind is proud to present Blogroll #2 - Absolute Write Writers, Authors & Members
(If you are an AW member and wish to be included please read the thread AW Blogroll - Listing & Exposure for instructions on how to submit. The Blogroll goes up in batches of five.)
These Are ALL GREAT BLOGS for Writers and show Passion for Life and their Work
Olivia Barrett - Liv's Life
Blog Address:
Subject Categories: parenting, family, life, multitasking, and the rest
Blog Description: Welcome to Liv's Life, where one day is ER and the next is Seinfeld. And where every moment is the constant struggle to put a quart in a pint container.Liv just started her blog and is getting the hang of it. She is one of those AW personnas who truly intend to blog about her life with hubby and kids. Lets take bets that very soon she is going to use her blog for her writing skills. A blog to watch.
Bhaswati - At Home, Writing
Blog Address:
Subject Categories: Writing, Reading, Publishing
Blog Description: At Home, Writing encapsulates my journey as a writer and reflects the influences in my writing, be it from other writers, activists, or films. The blog is also a place where I share the process of penning down my debut book, Making Out in America.Bhaswati is a professional blogger from the looks of her blog.She has some great reviews on books and takes on life as well as some excellent writing skills. For the book reviews and ideas alone it is worth a long look at this blog. Into the mind of a writer we go...
Thomma Lyn - Tennessee Text Wrestling
Blog address:
Subject categories: writing, reading, cats, science, skepticism, life in East Tennessee
Blog description: An East Tennessee gal's thoughts on being a writer, a reader, a wife, and a cat wrangler, among many other thingsWhen I first saw the name of Thomma's blog I had no clue what to expect. First she gets kudo's on the template layout. It is clean and easy to read. Her posts are concise (not like mine!) and well written. Thomma has things to tell us which are interesting and varied about the world of writing, (even if she does like cats!) A blog well worth the time to seek out.
L M Ashton - Peregrinas
Blog Address:
Subject Categories: writing, speculative fiction, tech stuff,
Blog Description: "L M Ashton's Adventures in Science Fiction Writing." I really write about anything that's remotely connected to writing, including publishing, marketing, butt in chair... And I use far too many ellipses.L.M. Ashton's blog is professional, full of wrting tidbits and also professional advice and musings. This woman is a writer, no doubt about it. She discusses failure and success, is an AW regular, and is certainly knowledgable about blogging and writing. For writers needing those hard-to-find pieces of advice this blog is also great.
Karen Mary Lynch - A Writer's Blog
Blog Address:
Subject Categories: Writing, Freelance, Kids, Personal, etc. (i.e., all of the above)
Blog Description: As I journey to worlds unknown to me as a writer I’ll detail my experiences on my blog ...Karen is starting out..full of hope towards the morrows and so wanting to get those first things published. She gives us snippets on her home page, but if one takes the time to click and read the full article, you get a glimpse into the soul of a writer just starting out.
Previous Entries in Blogroll Absolute Writers Series:
Tags: technology, blogging, web site creation, content, writing, books, Search Engines, SEO, site rank, page rank
Categories: technology, internet, Blogroll
Blogroll #2
Thanks TeddyG!! I linked to you from my fantasticly interesting Liv's Life;)
Many thanks for doing this, Teddy. And yes, taking a cue from Liv's Life, I am adding you to my links, too. I would have, any way :)
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