Cobwebs Of The Mind is proud to present Blogroll #4 - Absolute Write Writers, Authors & Members
(If you are an AW member and wish to be included please read the thread AW Blogroll - Listing & Exposure for instructions on how to submit. The Blogroll goes up in batches of five.)
These Are ALL GREAT BLOGS for Writers and show Passion for Life and their Work
Rich Marino - Marinos stuff
Blog Address:
Subject Categories: On Writing, Published stories with some comments, The way the world should turn, observations.
Blog Description: Short Stories, essays, Haiku, Light Verse, and other stuff.Rich's blog is full of different musings, ideas, and thoughts. His profile tells us he writes humor - "and a lot of it". He is also one of those people who really did make a life change by leaving his 9-5 and devoting himself to writing. Rich has a great grasp on language and humor. His blog is definitely one to peruse and visit. And of course we want Rich to succeed at all his writing endeavors.
Flood - FlashFlood
Blog Address:
Subject Categories: Writing
Blog Description: Weekly interviews with writing 'gonna be's', my writing journey, resource, games and encouragement for writers. A lighthearted and social space.At first, scrolling down Flood's blog I thought to myself that this is yet another "personal" blog about family. I have nothing against them, but voyeurism into tidbits of other people's lives and kids is just not my thing. Hey I got six kids and one grandchild, I need no more info! But then I was caught by Flood's writing. And it is good. And then... I was incredibly touched by one specific post, "The Write Drive". I really think EVERYONE should read this. Flood has courage and determination and writing skills to boot. This rare, touching post was worth it - every single second. Folks spend time on this blog, Flood is talented.
Andy Humphrey - The Struggling Writer
Blog Address:
Subject Categories: writing, freelance, technical writing
Blog Description: A professional diary documenting a writer's efforts to get a freelancing career off the ground.Andy's blog can be a "blueprint" for all those struggling writers out there. He is caught, and we see the dilemma, between the need to promote his own works, his need to write, and his search for those markets that will buy his material. His honesty and frustration at the steps required to become a published writer is refreshing and having "been there and done that" we know exactly what he is talking about. Andy keep us informed. Don't give up. Write, Post, Write and think. It will all come together! And keep us in the loop in your blog!
Blog Address:
Subject Categories: completely and totally miscellaneous random blather
Blog Description: A place where Dawno posts whatever happens to be on her mind. Often about AW, sometimes about Roombas (in costumes!), only rarely serious stuff.Of course I knew it would happen. Dawno moves into the Blogroll. Yet Dawno does not do herself credit. From her own description, one would think her blog is only about the ruminations of her mind and the internal stuff at AW. NOT SO. What Dawno has done, often in a humorous, light fashion has put together oodles and oodles of lists which any writer, not only from AW, is in need of. Yes, Dawno is an avid AW member. She is also a good writer, funny, intelligent and can turn a "put-down" into a compliment with the flip of a phrase. Dawno's blog is something to visit to see just how close and how large the community of AW'ers are. It is also a place where funny, good writing takes place. (And I say all this even though the Mod Squad never lets me peek at the kinky parrots in the corner!)
Alan Sorum - A View from the Waterfront
Blog Address:
Subject Categories: Alaska, boating, harbors, and Prince William Sound
Blog Description: Information of interest in boating safety, harbor management, rural development and unique aspects of Alaskan lifeAlan is from Alaska, which in and of itself, is fascinating. A new member on the AW roster, his blog is devoted, as he says, to boating and Alaskan life. For those interested in reading and seeing pictures of a "different" sort of life-style this blog is for you. Check it out.
Previous Entries in Blogroll Absolute Writers Series:
Tags: technology, blogging, web site creation, content, writing, books, Search Engines, SEO, site rank, page rank
Categories: technology, internet, Blogroll
Blogroll #4
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