Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Doctrine Of The Lie

It is very heartening to see the comments of those people I have never met and have no clue who they are post their comments on this blog. It is appreciated. Though I never doubted that decent, intelligent people will stand up for what they believe in.

However, there seems to be as the result of my two previous posts, (Depravity, Disgust and Stupidity - Passing Ignorance Around Like A Venereal Disease & Never Again), a bit of, shall we say, the "Doctrine of the Lie" going around. A bit of an attempt at intimidation which is really kind of hilarious. This is coupled with more foul mouth statements and curse words than a NY taxi driver caught in Friday afternoon traffic.

Over in foul-mouth land there are quite a few posts in which an incredible amount of curse words and name-calling was used. Some posters there, sorry to say, let themselves be drawn into this childish display of ignorance. That is sad, and no matter what 3 partners in frustrated living try, one should never answer with such disgusting words.

It is just degrading to the main issue (not to speak of telling us something salient about those who stoop to such levels). The main issue being and will always be - the use of a hate symbol in a signature on their forum board. But then again that is just my opinion.

However, the "Doctrine of the Lie" is a totally different ballgame. It was developed and used quite effectively by the Nazis. It is used today by cults. Thus I find it necessary, sad to say, to make the following clear - crystal, unequivocally clear.
  1. Lisa, the self-proclaimed linguist, who runs foul-mouth land has claimed three times that she tried twice to leave a comment here which I rejected. Let me say this again. No comment has been rejected in Cobwebs Of The Mind. While I honestly, and this is said without any cynicism, believe her statement when she claims that she tried twice to leave a comment, I can also say without any equivocation, that no such comment has ever appeared in my queue.

    Why do I believe her? Because in the end she is an intelligent woman who seems to have some problems with temper and possibly her own inner conflicts. But that is for her to figure out and not for me to comment upon. I honestly don't think she would lie for the sake of lying. That is being said after some thought in the matter. Give a person their due, no matter who they are.

    Indeed, if one just takes the time to think or ponder on this it is a ridiculous accusation. I copied her entire post. It would have made things so much more believable if I had that same post or comment published in Cobwebs Of The Mind. It simply is not logical to try and make such an accusation when it would have just served my purposes much better than having to copy the post.

  2. The other part of this trinity, has made the accusation that I am off in my times on my blog and thus I have "fudged" the truth. She even in her wisdom quoted time stamps on the blog. Of course, when people are truly smart they do realize that the world runs on many time zones. Since I do live in Israel, my blogs are on Israel Time Zones, entries and comments. Not PST or CST or EST. Thus I would strongly urge her to get a watch or clock that can tell time. (The third element in this trinity of wonder-bees is just such a non-entity we can safely ignore her.)

  3. The next part of the Doctrine of the Lie is something I simply cannot let go by. Over in foul-mouth land I was accused by the trinity of astute minds, of posting anonymous messages on the blog. So I am going to say here what I said over there.

    Teddy does not post anonymous messages. - Not Ever.

    I do not fear these people, nor do they intimidate me. They are just, well, just people. They have no power over anyone or anything - even, dare I say it, even in the literary world they are fairly useless and powerless. There is just no voice here. No strength behind the words. No power. No, well just, nothing besides a lot of hatred and venom and hot air. But then again that is what bullies are usually about.

    Why post anonymously when I can get so much more of my statement across and lend that much more credence to my words by using my own name? To even hint that I would post anonymously is patently ridiculous. And more to the point, the posts that I was accused of making have such foul mouth idiotic statements in them, agreed, caused by the foul mouth of the linguist and her crew, that it simply is just not my writing style. It actually would defeat my purpose.

    Indeed I would implore anyone who wants to post in foul-mouth land to post with their name attached. There is nothing to fear from these three. They breathe, bleed and cry just like you. And if you feel they are being a bit on the bully side, ignore it. They have serious control issues. One even has a serious urinary tract problem as her favorite line seems to be - "You do not want to get into a pissing match with me". Why she thinks this intimidates people is beyond me. But hell it probably works on some poor souls. Perhaps she needs to see a urologist?
Be that all as it may in foul-mouth land as usual, three people turned a clear unequivocal statement on use of a hated symbol on their board into a personal attack. They seem to think that if they say something, it is a revelation and must be taken as God's given word to mankind. Again that is a symptom of a much deeper problem. It is childish, puerile and just plain silly. But then again it simply proves my point.

And now to something I found incredibly amusing.

We have one calling herself "bogwitch64" (hey you have to love names like this!) with the following comment left in foul-mouth land. And I quote:
Mac posted this on her blog and, being somewhat learned in the whole swastika thing (as it plays prominently in a book I am writing)I was compelled to comment. And my comment is...

What a maroon.

The Teddys of the world have allowed a few decades of hate to totally obliterate a symbol that for thousands of years meant peace, luck, and power over dark forces. Even saying the counter clockwise/clockwise thing is a farce. It was a way to tell 'the difference' but, in truth, it's a modern bandaid for this gushing wound. Eradicate the swastika (whose name itself means 'to be good' in Sandskrit--svastika: su=good, asti=to be, ka=suffix) as a symbol of hatred and you rob it of its power. Let it resume its power as a 'force' of good. Egads, people, do we not know the reasoning behind 'curse' words??
Sorry--ranting. Ignorance infuriates me. Ignorance trying to pretend it is enlightenment puts me over the edge.
I am sorry I truly cannot resist. This post actually made me laugh. Ignorance it seems is a real problem with some people.

Let us take a look at this piece of genius shall we?
being somewhat learned in the whole swastika thing (as it plays prominently in a book I am writing)I was compelled to comment.
This seriously is where the problem begins and ends. It is a "swastika thing" and this genius knows all about it because why? Oh yes - because she is writing a book! She has become an expert in the "swastika thing". A learned expert no less. God save us from the scholars if this is the definition of "learned".

Now we know we are dealing with an expert in the field of "swastika thingamajigs" let us see what genius has to offer in her "real" comment. (Bold and italics are mine - spelling, formatting and the like are all responsibility of our learned "swastika thing" genius)
What a maroon.

The Teddys of the world have allowed a few decades of hate to totally obliterate a symbol that for thousands of years meant peace, luck, and power over dark forces.
Even saying the counter clockwise/clockwise thing is a farce. It was a way to tell 'the difference' but, in truth, it's a modern bandaid for this gushing wound. Eradicate the swastika (whose name itself means 'to be good' in Sandskrit--svastika: su=good, asti=to be, ka=suffix) as a symbol of hatred and you rob it of its power. Let it resume its power as a 'force' of good. Egads, people, do we not know the reasoning behind 'curse' words??
I assume she wanted to say "moron". But I kind of like maroon. :)

Let me understand this well. Teddy's of this world are now responsible for what the swastika represents. We took a symbol and made it into the very essence of evil? We were the ones who are single handedly responsible, while walking into gas chambers for destroying this beloved symbol?

Let me get this straight. You are blaming the victims for what the Nazi's did? You are saying that we took your beloved symbol and made it into the horns of Satan? And you are upset because the Teddy's of this world won't let such a "small event" go? That we hang on to it? Not the skinheads, not the White Supremacists not the holocaust deniers but the Teddy's of this world are responsible?

That is cool trick. Often tried. Blame the victims. Between six million people and a symbol, hell the choice is simple! The learned expert tells us so. It is the symbol that wins all the time.

Now there is a twist for you folks. This is genius. Pure unadulterated genius. All self-taught too, because of the "swastika thing" and a book she is writing. Imagine that! Get ready Pulitzer. The bogwitch64 is coming your way. With a few honorary doctorates thrown in for the learned study of the small "swastika thing". Revelation!

Yep. I think we should just get over our brow beating of a few measly millions of people murdered by the swastika bearers because you have found a symbol for your book that speaks of love, flowers and compassion. And yep. Of course you are right. Teddy and his motley crew of damn Jews, and a few million other intelligent people who are not Jewish, are just responsible for all this, degrading of a symbol because of the "swastika thing". Sheesh. Who would have known? I bow my head in shame. Beat my breast in total repentance.

I have only one small, itty bitty question here.

Where the hell were you on line when God gave out brains?

Please let us know when your epic story on the "swastika thing" is ready for publication. I am sure it is going to be a best seller. I got a great name for it too... The Maroon Swastika.

And now for our crowning graphic. Made for Cobwebs Of The Mind by a really great person. This is dedicated to those in foul-mouth land and all those who think that repeating lies will actually intimidate people along the line and get them to kowtow to some imaginary authority. (The curse words are actually used in foul-mouth land - only a linguist can come up with some of them. Shows erudite education and class.)

Posted On: Cobwebs Of The Mind

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Never Again

In my youth I used to utter those words, Never Again, with a great deal of anger and pride mixed together. In my youth I saw those words as a promise, if you will, to a whole generation, to millions of millions of people that died at the hands of the Swastika bearers. In my youth I made a solemn oath to myself that I would, personally, never be silent in the wake of hatred. In my youth I swore that the Nazis and all they stood for would not be forgotten. It would be remembered year after year, so that I would never be complacent or forget.

A whole generation, now second and third generations made themselves that promise. Based upon two simple words. Never Again. Not a biblical promise, not a prophetic one. Just short and to the point. Never Again.

I fulfilled that promise. Over and over again. To myself, my family, my children, my friends, my people, my homeland and to those who were not Jewish but also felt like me and millions of other that oppression and hate - in such a mass context should never be allowed to rear it's ugly head again.

And the Swastika is the symbol of all that is evil in the heart and mind of mankind. It is the quintessence of evil. There is no symbol that can bring more horror, more sorrow, more sadness than that of a swastika to the mind of modern man.

I grew up with refugees from the madness of the swastika bearers. I grew up with men and women who had little blue numbers tattooed on their arms. Names like Auschwitz, Treblinka, Buchenwald were not names from a Steven Spielberg movie. They were real. As real as the gas chambers that gassed millions of people.

Gassed; burned alive in synagogues; tortured by Mengele and others; shot; maimed; killed; hung - every possible scenario that a collective nation gone mad on hate could think of was visited in the name of the Swastika.

And yet it still lives. It still is worn with pride by skinheads. It still is tattooed on arms and bodies by White Supremacists. It still is worshiped, prayed to, and looked at with hope by the sick and depraved of humankind.

I remember when I was twelve years old, going to our small synagogue with my father for morning prayers. A day like any other. To our "shteebel" as it is known in Yiddish. And smack in the middle of Manhattan, on the door of the synagogue, painted in red paint, is a swastika. And on the two cement poles of the entrance to the brownstone. Pop looked at it shook his head, and said, "One they get right. Two they get wrong." I did not understand it then, but it took years for those symbols to fade. You see the one on the door was a real how-do-you-do-Jew swastika. The two painted on the polls were "inverted". An important story for later on in this post.

And I still say, Never Again.

I will not abandon that promise nor will I ever be silent. Every single year, I stand with a whole nation while a siren wails its deathly wail in memory of those who were turned into soap and human hair mattresses. In memory of those who were murdered and the gold in their teeth removed. In memory of just how far human hate can take us if we are not vigilant.

Never Again.

And thus when I saw a swastika attached to a signature line at Absolute Write, I said to myself - the time has once again to fulfill your promise. The time has come again to stand up when those who should stand up are too befuddled or morally inept to do so. The time once again has come to say Never Again.

The Talmud has a legal statement for it. "Silence is the equivalent to admission." I will not be silent. Not at the expense of anyone or anything. I owe it to too many dead.

And so I wrote. I said exactly what I thought in my previous post, Depravity, Disgust and Stupidity - Passing Ignorance Around Like A Venereal Disease. What a great many others were saying and thinking. I said it without any way to put different interpretations on it. I was clear. Swastika bearers must be silenced. Period. No ands, ifs and buts about it. There is no room in a world of open minded, thoughtful people for a swastika bearer.

It is anathema. It is depravity. It is sick.

Then this afternoon my time I happened to see this little genius of a piece appear on one of the Admin-Mod blogs at Absolute Write.

Coincidence is a real funny animal. I saw the post quoted below around 20 minutes before a taxi was picking me up to go to Tel Aviv University. I had made a promise to a really wonderful friend who is world reknowned in lecturing on Cinema, that I would come listen to her long lecture on the topic no less and no more of: "The Use Of Symbolization in Movies On The Holocaust" and today she compared Spielberg's "Shindler's List" to Polanski's "The Pianist".

Like I said coincidence is a real funny animal.

In the taxi by way of conversation I mentioned this whole story. I asked the advice of the people going with me. Should I just ignore what was said below or should I make my points clear? Should I let it slide?

I don't think I will ever forget the answer the one who was going to give the lecture gave me.

"Silence is not an option."

And so to the post below. It is amazing how absolutely foolish some people can be when they want to appear smart.

But first because the person in question quoted my blog let us quote her in full, shall we?

On the nature of Community, Hate Speech, and Indo-European Symbols

I wanted to comment on a post made by Absolute Write Water Cooler member Teddy, in his blog. Teddy, in his infinite wisdom, moderates his posts, and, apparently unable to deal with facts and the simple truth, isn't going to post my comment.

Teddy attacks Absolute Write Water as a community, and targets the Moderators in particular. I'm an active member, but I'm also a Moderator and an Admin. Teddy refers to a member, one of our teens, and rants about the member's signature. I've copied the signature here, so you can see it:

(Symbols removed by me - Not on my blog you don't)

Here are the assertions that Teddy makes, which I find fault with.

  • I was perusing a thread and suddenly find in one of the members signatures at Absolute Write (someone calling themselves Bartholomew) a neatly placed Swastika.
  • Even if this symbol is removed - the very fact it was up for more than 5 minutes and even 5 minutes is way too long, (and Absolute Write is moderated 24 hours a day) shows something extremely wrong and rotten at the core. It not only shows a lack of sensitivity - that is allowed of course - it shows a total ignorance and indeed a complete lack of understanding what such symbols represent.
  • Could it be that if you say something not kind about Absolute Write you will get banned but showing a swastika is considered "freedom of speech"? Why was this person not banned IMMEDIATELY and then told that if he wants to come back to an adult board - he sure as hell better play nicely? What pills are the moderators taking at Absolute Write to allow such depravity on their board?
  • This guy with the lovely swastika is all over the board and even claims to be an editor for one of the "local" literary mags. represented by this board.
  • A swastika? A real true evil incarnate Nazi Swastika? On a signature at Absolute Write Writer Forum? From a real member? In threads where Mods answer so they must have seen it!

AW is not moderated 24 hours a day. The mods volunteer, and have lives. We also depend on the over 13,000 members to report posts that they feel are problems; there's a link on every single post for that purpose. Did Teddy report the post that troubled you him? No, he did not. He ranted about it in his in a particularly self-righteous way, presumably in a desperate attempt to get hits.

Nor does Teddy have the cultural nous to realize that the symbol in question isn't actually a Swastika, nor is the fact that Nazis corrupted an ancient multi-cultural symbol (the triskele, one of the markers of Indo-European cultures) thus render all prior uses of that symbol no longer valid.

The symbol in question has a counter-clockwise rotation; it predates the Swasticka by roughly two thousand years of history as an ancient Indo-European symbol of life and peace and fortune.

In his half-witted attempt at fomenting hatred, Teddy links to the Anti-Defamation Leagues's hate image database, where if he bothered to actually read (and frankly, he shows surprisingly poor reading comprehension for a writer) he would have found this entry:

When shown in a counterclockwise direction, an ancient religious symbol that represented a sign of good luck.

Nor, apparently, did Teddy trouble to click on the two associated links, which makes it very clear that it isn't a Swastika, and that it has nothing to do with anti-Semitism, and everything to do with Hinduism and peace.

Oh, and Teddy . . .before you accuse me of anti-Semitism, my married name is Cohen.

I really will go step by step here. It is actually the only way to try and wade through this stuff. Step by step. One after another. However I will deal with the small itty bitty things first. Then on to the rest of the intellectual foolishness.

1) The following quote is a bald faced lie.
"Teddy, in his infinite wisdom, moderates his posts, and, apparently unable to deal with facts and the simple truth, isn't going to post my comment."
Why would I not post your comment? Did you write it? Did you place a comment here? The answer is NO. Why would I not post it? I would have posted it, copied it, and done exactly what I am doing now. I rarely if ever do not post comments. Why lie? Why deceive? What is this deception going to get you? Oh wait. You want to prove a point! Well we start with a lie. Good start.

Now let us assume I did not post your comment. Which never happened but for the sake of argument. Let us assume that what you wrote was the truth and not a lie. I could swear, correct me if I am wrong, that Cobwebs Of The Mind is maintained and written by me. I could swear that I have the right to post and not post comments as I see fit.

But all that is mute. Why? Because you lied. You never posted a comment here and thus it was never rejected.

2) In your wise introduction you wrote:
"Teddy refers to a member, one of our teens,"
Point being? So what if he is a teen? You let him on the board - you let him edit your literary mag. You let him post wherever he sees fit. Thus his age makes no difference to me. He wants to play with the big boys then by golly - let him play with the big boys. There is a lot more one can say about this "teen" but he sure as hell writes like an adult.

3) This is really cute.
AW is not moderated 24 hours a day. The mods volunteer, and have lives. We also depend on the over 13,000 members to report posts that they feel are problems; there's a link on every single post for that purpose. Did Teddy report the post that troubled you him? No, he did not. He ranted about it in his in a particularly self-righteous way, presumably in a desperate attempt to get hits.
Cobwebs Of The Mind exists very nicely without any hits whatsoever from Absolute Write. TYVM. I honestly need no hits from you. I also would venture a very educated guess that Cobwebs Of The Mind does better than 99.9% of any blog by any member in Absolute Write on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. So please, do me a favor - if you want to start this game of name-calling be my guest. I will only be pushed in this game of yours so far. Then I will respond. But for now we will leave you and those silly innuendos on the side. But be careful. Because when I bite back I do so with a great deal more ammunition than one may at first see. Fair warning.

Indeed what other member spent hours and hours of their time writing blog reviews for members? These reviews bring me fame and fortune? They bring me credibility? They pay my bills? They add to my "hits" in a significant manner? If you choose to devote your time and efforts without monetary concern to a forum board that is your decision. Do not expect anyone to come over to you and say "Oh my. Since you do that you must be wise and all knowing." Your decisions. Your life.

13,000 members? Yeah when you count every single person who zoomed by and signed the form. Now would you like to talk about the significant numbers that LEFT Absolute Write after the current reign began to take over? Would you like to talk about the utter disgust many feel today after reading and watching? Or should we not say a word about those who leave in disgust? Maybe because that will force us to quote messages and other such nasty things with signatures, time and dates included. Do not drag 13,000 or 200 members into this. That is such not a good idea.

Now let us get down to business. Why should I report something to the Moderators? I saw that the owner of the board interacted with this "teen of yours" over and over again while that signature was on his posts. Is she not sufficiently wise and smart to know that placing a swastika on a signature line would clearly be offensive to an incredible amount of people? Oh, yes, I am calling it a swastika. I will call it a swastika. And in the end that is just what it is. A swastika. But all in good time. All in good time.

Now let us enter the arena to which a linguist, which you claim you are, about language and symbols. Let us repeat your quote:
Nor does Teddy have the cultural nous to realize that the symbol in question isn't actually a Swastika, nor is the fact that Nazis corrupted an ancient multi-cultural symbol (the triskele, one of the markers of Indo-European cultures) thus render all prior uses of that symbol no longer valid.

The symbol in question has a counter-clockwise rotation; it predates the Swasticka by roughly two thousand years of history as an ancient Indo-European symbol of life and peace and fortune.

In his half-witted attempt at fomenting hatred, Teddy links to the Anti-Defamation Leagues's hate image database, where if he bothered to actually read (and frankly, he shows surprisingly poor reading comprehension for a writer) he would have found this entry:

When shown in a counterclockwise direction, an ancient religious symbol that represented a sign of good luck.

Nor, apparently, did Teddy trouble to click on the two associated links, which makes it very clear that it isn't a Swastika, and that it has nothing to do with anti-Semitism, and everything to do with Hinduism and peace.
Let us make something clear. I never once used the term anti-Semitism in the original post. I kind of made sure I didn't. But that is a small point which we will come back to a bit later.

I am really devoid of all cultural niceties. It is a problem I have when I see symbols like this hanging around boards. And I provided that link to the ADL, which I had no reason to provide, so that people would read the difference between the symbols. And then they could as you did, click on the link of your favored "teen" and see that at the bottom there is (was?) an explanation of the Swastika.

Now why would one need such an explanation if the symbols were so different? Why? Know why? Cause anyone taking a cursory look at that symbol, would see a damn swastika. And you know what? I don't for a moment believe your precious teen did not know this. Indeed I am 100% sure in his ever increasing desire for attention that is EXACTLY why he put it up. As one person who emailed me said: "Another stupid from X".

Funny. Poor culturally starved Teddy. I did not take into account that the Nazis corrupted an ancient symbol for peace. I only saw what a symbol says and means in the context of six million plus a few more million died for. But then again on Absolute Write we will find quite a few posts demanding "rights" for the Holocaust Denial Assholes. Yep. Exactly where it leads.

Silence is not an option here.

I only saw what I was supposed to see - exactly what your wondrous teen wanted everyone to see in his craving for attention. A real live swastika in its old form. Oh my! Where is all my culture? There is a symbol - it is inverted - and becomes the symbol - I make reference to your awesome linguistic capabilities here, as we all know language is symbols and symbols convey an incredible amount in one small little visual - THE SYMBOL of every evil that modern man can devise.

So I ask my near 80+ year old neighbor right before the taxi comes (an old man whom I shmooze with from time to time). I bring him to my screen and ask him, "Can you tell me what this symbol is?"

He looks, turns white, rolls up his sleeve and says (in Hebrew), "That is the symbol of the animals that did this." As he points to his little blue tattoo. (Oh no, they don't fade over the years.) And I had to explain this all to his daughter afterwards because they had to call the doctor because he got so upset.

It makes no difference where it came from or how it is presented. The survivors see a Swastika. And that sure as hell beats any intellectual tomfoolery you want to come up with. Do you actually think that a whole nation of people could stomach such a symbol without getting sick to their bones?

Inverted. Upside Down. Red. Blue. Sky-blue pink. No one looks upon such a symbol and says: "Oh wait. Let me see. Is this precious darling teen trying to show peace to the world or trying to be stupid and cute?" They see a swastika. 95% of modern society outside of the realm of Hindu philosophy sees a swastika.

Never Again.

And now finally let us go to your last statement. One you should truly be completely ashamed of but then again...

Oh, and Teddy . . .before you accuse me of anti-Semitism, my married name is Cohen.

I have never read such foolishness and apologetics coming from someone considering themselves an intelligent woman. But then again life teaches us our mistakes.

So let us now deal with the last statement. So what if your married name is Cohen? Point being? I could not care less if you were Jewish and writing such apologist malarkey for running Absolute Write the way you do or not. I could not care less what excuses you make or have. I have known a great many Jewish people who would do such things. Indeed and now let us use this term with a twist, some of the worst jew-haters are Jews themselves. A Yiddish term - "Jewish anti-Semite."

Being named Cohen does NOT make you either understanding, knowledgeable or part of a history where 6 million plus Jews were murdered under the guise of that hateful symbol. Big deal that your married name is Cohen. And I happen to know a German named Leips, whose father was part of the Nazi party. Leips would shudder and break out in sweats just seeing that symbol. Well Mrs. Cohen, so much for marrying into an ancestry.

Remember this well Mrs. Cohen. Burn this linguistic knowledge into that brain of yours. Before you quote from Song of Songs in an attempt to be smart (misquoting too I may add).

Somewhere not far in your husband's past, though of course I cannot say this for sure, but the odds are well with this, are a slew of people who became victims of the hate that the symbol represented. Somewhere in that recent past, are Jews whose last symbol or letter they saw in the land of the living was that of a swastika. Somewhere there are ghosts turned into soap and burned alive because of that symbol.

So if you married into the legacy, maybe you should get some education as to exactly what that legacy is and means.

No. In this case silence is not an option. And I will not be silent in the face of this.

These days I no longer feel the need to scream from the rooftops, "Never Again". These days it is in my eyes and every fiber of my being. The road of life has calmed the need to announce it at every sign post. It is part of me now. Part of any self-respecting Jew, no, that is wrong, part of every self-respecting human being who understands just how easy it is for the message of evil and depravity to spread.

Some things need no linguistic commentary. Some symbols, right-side up or upside down should not appear in signatures on forum boards. Period.

Posts In This Series:
  1. Depravity, Disgust and Stupidity - Passing Ignorance Around Like A Venereal Disease.
  2. Never Again
  3. Doctrine Of The Lie
  4. The Banality Of Evil
  5. On The Bastardization Of Language
  6. Who Let The Dogs Out?
  7. The Day Hitler Became A "Funky Dude"

Posted On: Cobwebs Of The Mind

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Depravity, Disgust and Stupidity - Passing Ignorance Around Like A Venereal Disease.

They have logos and pictures. Posts and opinions. Now they have their very own Swastika.

This is not going to be a "nice" post. Indeed in the old movie cliche from the movie "Network":
"I am mad as hell and I am not going to take it anymore."
Is this post about writing? In a way it is. It is about writing and ethics and morals. It is about hate symbols and depravity. It is about stupidity and disgust.

For whatever it is worth, the forum, Absolute Write, is visited by quite a few people. Thousands to be more exact. Members, non-members, and others looking for information on writers, publishing, agents etc. It is somewhat respected. And I guess one expects that writers, authors and those trying to be authors are gifted with a modicum of intelligence. Well that expectancy was just proved wrong.

Am I being touchy? Sensitive? You better believe it. Damn straight I am. I do not find anything funny, intelligent, cute or innocent about displaying a symbol in a signature that represents the most heinous chapter in modern human history. The current owners and Mods at Absolute Write seem to have their own agendas at times, yet they do ban, or selectively ban (for days or weeks) or put people on time-outs when things get out of hand. That is their right and certainly required from time to time.

"Getting out of hand" seems to be an incredibly selective issue though. You can imagine how the hair stood up on the back of my neck when I was perusing a thread and suddenly find in one of the members signatures at Absolute Write (someone calling themselves Bartholomew) a neatly placed Swastika. (And I will not honor this fool with a link. Swastika's are not easy to miss, especially when half your family was wiped out and made into soap for all that it represents to the mind of modern man.) I looked and looked again, because I simply could not believe my eyes. Only someone who is truly sick and truly incapable of understanding the absolute horror of such things would have the absolute stupidity of placing a Swastika with a link no less on their signature.

At first I thought it may be a link to a book written by the person in question. Something on their book cover. Something innocent. Something inane. Something to try and get people to go to his web site or blog to purchase his new thriller on Nazi Germany or something along those lines. Innocent. Stupid but innocent. But sadly even before I clicked on the link, I knew that the work that went into presenting this symbol was way beyond any "innocence". I knew it was just a sick attempt of a depraved mind.

Long ago I have learned not to deal with the swastika bearers. They are sick, depraved, full of hate and often, as in this case, just a frustrated child looking for attention.

Some things you just do not hide. Some things you just do not walk away from. There are times when no matter how much respect one has for some of those who visit and partake in the Absolute Write forum - that something must be said. Yet symbols are powerful. In one small moment they express a wealth - indeed a whole world of thought and philosophy. The ADL (Anti-Defamation League) maintains a whole database on hate symbols. Would Absolute Write have let someone post a White-Power Ku Klux Klan symbol? Or would the mods allow someone to put a racist epitaph in their signature?

Even if this symbol is removed - the very fact it was up for more than 5 minutes and even 5 minutes is way too long, (and Absolute Write is moderated 24 hours a day) shows something extremely wrong and rotten at the core. It not only shows a lack of sensitivity - that is allowed of course - it shows a total ignorance and indeed a complete lack of understanding what such symbols represent.

But where the hell are the police mods who seem to be all over when heaven forbid, someone says something not to their liking? Where the hell are the "open-minded" people who run this board? Could it be that if you say something not kind about Absolute Write you will get banned but showing a swastika is considered "freedom of speech"? Why was this person not banned IMMEDIATELY and then told that if he wants to come back to an adult board - he sure as hell better play nicely? What pills are the moderators taking at Absolute Write to allow such depravity on their board?

Even if this symbol is removed - the very fact it was up for more than 5 minutes and even 5 minutes is way too long, (and Absolute Write is moderated 24 hours a day) shows something extremely wrong and rotten at the core. It not only shows a lack of sensitivity - that is allowed of course - it shows a total ignorance and indeed a complete lack of understanding what such symbols represent. Has the collective mind of those that run Absolute Write taken a break and gone out to lunch? Even with the most cynical feelings I can muster here, I just refuse to believe that those that run Absolute Write would place their approval or even allow such a thing to take place on their board.

We are not talking about a rare poster here. This guy with the lovely swastika is all over the board and even claims to be an editor for one of the "local" literary mags. represented by this board.

Let me make this clear. This does not appear in a discussion or a thread. This symbol of all that is depraved, appears at the bottom of every single post that the owner of this signature makes. In every thread in every post on all the boards. In every post he made throughout his entire sojourn at Absolute Write. A swastika to make it all pretty.

A swastika? A real true evil incarnate Nazi swastika? On a signature at Absolute Write Writer Forum? From a real member? In threads where Mods answer so they must have seen it!

No matter what the reason, no matter what the purpose, (and here even reading the link the purpose alludes me except to make me understand that this is truly a child's call for attention), there are some things which really should be monitored.

Am I being touchy? Sensitive?


Only someone who is truly sick and truly incapable of understanding the absolute horror of such things would have the absolute stupidity of placing a Swastika with a link no less on their signature. Depraved. Anyone with a mind and any sort of ethical standard has to walk away shaking their head in disgust at the sheer utter stupidity of it all.

In the end it is just very sad. Truly very sad.

Demanding an apology is ridiculous. Absolute Write will run itself the way it deems is right and ethically correct. Some things you just do not hide. Some things you just do not walk away from. There are times when no matter how much respect one has for some of those who visit and partake in the Absolute Write forum - that something must be said.

As one friend quoted her husband after seeing this:
They're passing ignorance around like a venereal disease.
There are some things I guess I will never understand. There are some times when ignorance is no longer an excuse.

Perhaps the only thing that can be said is as follows:

"Shame on you Absolute Write. Shame on you for allowing such a thing to take place on your forum and not countering it immediately without any questions or excuses. Shame on you."

Posts In This Series:
  1. Depravity, Disgust and Stupidity - Passing Ignorance Around Like A Venereal Disease.
  2. Never Again
  3. Doctrine Of The Lie
  4. The Banality Of Evil
  5. On The Bastardization Of Language
  6. Who Let The Dogs Out?
  7. The Day Hitler Became A "Funky Dude"

Posted On: Cobwebs Of The Mind

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Jerusalem International Book Fair - Flashlight Press

Every two years there is an international book fair that takes place in Jerusalem know as the Jerusalem International Book Fair. It used to be a fairly decent event where publishers from all over the world came to show off their books and do business.

The Jerusalem International Book Fair was extremely disappointing from all facets - readers, authors and publishers. But there are always one or two gems to make up for the disappointment. I cannot tell you what goes on behind the scenes because I have no idea. What I can say in that as time goes on this book fair becomes less and less of an event and seems to have been turned into some large book sell fair mostly populated by the ever growing list of Israeli book publishers. It was very disappointing, and certainly those who have two whole years to arrange this event should be fired and some new blood with some sort of ambitious planning should be brought in to make this fair and conference into the event it used to be.

Certainly a public which has a great deal of readers and writers should be given something a bit more than just a glorified book store when taking the time to view the events in the world of publishing and literature.

Needless to say I was more than somewhat disappointed, almost to the point of really being embarrassed by what this Conference used to be to what it has become today.

But there are always one or two gems to make up for the disappointment.

Flashlight Press - Cobwebs Of The MindAll that being said, of course, as the nature of things, I did meet up with some people whom I have not seen in a long time and got a chance to shmooze and keep up with the world at large. One such person whom I have known for the better part of 30 years is Shari Dash Greenspan an extremely talented literary, visual and graphic arts woman who is now an editor at a small publishing house called Flashlight Press. Shari is the editor of picture story books for children - in the words on her business card - "picture story books that explore and illuminate".

Flashlight Press is situated in New York City and you can go to their web site, Flashlight Press to check out their list of books.

Flashlight Press - Cobwebs Of The MindFlashlight Press is a normative press open to all sorts of well-written books in their genre. In speaking with Shari she told me that she always open to reading new manuscripts from authors and illustrators (so take heart here folks - here is a publishing house where you can reach the editor directly if you are writing picture story books!) You do not need an agent to get Shari to read your works either.

Flashlight Press is actively seeking picture story books that explore and illuminate The web site of Flashlight Press has all you need to know about contacting them including Submission Guidelines for both Authors & Illustrators. Many of the books at Flashlight Press have won a series of awards, which should give you an idea as to the seriousness of this publisher.

Their mission statement reads as follows:
To explore and illuminate the touching and humorous moments of family situations and social interactions through captivating writing and outstanding illustrations. Two to four original picture books are scheduled for publication each year.
Flashlight Press - Cobwebs Of The MindI threatened to post a picture of Shari on the blog - but in order to keep my head on my shoulders, I have posted some of the book covers with links (click on the cover) to the absolutely charming books published by Flashlight Press. If you are a parent, or if you are an author or illustrator looking for another market for your work, Flashlight Press is definitely worth the investment in time and a query.

Flashlight Press - Cobwebs Of The MindShari herself is an author of such books and very in tune with what the public is looking for in this genre. What more can you ask for? An editor whose name you know and a willing and listening ear and inquiring mind, along with an open eye to your manuscripts. You can reach Shari Dash Greenspan by clicking here.

Good Luck!

Posted On: Cobwebs Of The Mind

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Short Stories, Queries, Publishing, Agents & All The Rest

I know I write a great deal about short story submissions and publishing. Probably because over the past 18 months I have been in "short story" madness. My mind seems to want to write those stories and writing always gravitates back to them even if I force myself to concentrate to either editing or writing other WIP's.

Publishing short stories these days is a bitch. Legitimate markets are incredibly limited. Agents, rightfully so, will not handle one story at a time. Who the hell can blame them? No money in it and too much effort.

Short story collections are worse. Go ahead. Try writing a decent query letter for a short story collection even if you can find one of the rare breed of agent that will agree to look at such a query letter. Go ahead. Write it. See what I mean? Find the hook? Find the thread? Find the one line you can concentrate on and develop in your allowed 100 words?

Over the past 18 months I have had thirteen short stories published on a legitimate site on the Internet, which even charges readers to join. The Deepening publishes 10 stories a month in all genres. At the beginning I was ecstatic thinking maybe I could parlay this into a collection. And yes, as readers of Cobwebs Of The Mind know I did create the collection - "Ancient Tales, Modern Legends". And the stories were incredibly well received and written up. Beyond, as they say, "my wildest dreams".

Yet, to get an agent to look at them in terms of a collection, just to read say four or five of them and say "yeah or nay" is really a trip from hell - a herculean task of no small need for valium. I assumed though that most agents would never consider publishing even in a legitimate site as The Deepening was worth a credit.

The other day in perusing Miss Snark, I was kind of surprised and pleased when reading her reaction in a post entitled: "It's not the New Yorker but...". I am going to post the question and part of the answer by Miss Snark, but the link is here so please go over and see the whole thing. The author asked simply and to the point:
My short story was published online on the emag Johnny America. No payment was involved, just posting on the site. Now, here's the question: Am I a published author? Can I include this in my query letters?
Miss Snark said in her answer:
This is a pretty funny site. If you sent me a query letter and mentioned it I wouldn't think you were a nitwit.
Putting the snark-ism aside for just a moment, (even though such a separation of snark-ism from the blog of Miss Snark is grounds for being tarred and feathered), I found this comment to be particularly interesting.

In short, Miss Snark says that short story writers, though facing an incredible disadvantage in an already disadvantaged field of play, if published in a decent web site, e.g. a legitimate web site, can hope to count that publication as a publication credit. While this is still a real long way from having your collection of short stories published in a major publishing house, this is certainly something to take note of and remember. Legitimacy of Internet publishing credits is certainly making inroads into the world of traditional publishing.

Now don't get me wrong. If you do write short stories and are not publishing them constantly in The New Yorker, Atlantic Monthly, The Paris Review and others like these august names of short story writing, you still are going to have to rely on luck, prayer and stroking the rabbit's foot on your key chain to see your collection bought by a major publishing house. Indeed you are going to have to find one hell of an agent who really believes in what you write and how you write it.

But it is important to point out even without the New Yorker publishing credit, if you do have your short story published in a legitimate site, and let me repeat that word - legitimate - then you can proudly list that in your credits.

Should you continue to write short stories and not concentrate on your great novel or novels? Only if you are as crazy as I am. Collections of short stories seem to be few and far between. But one never knows when Lady Luck will strike. Or how. Or where.

As the famous Epistle by Pope reads:
Hope springs eternal in the human breast;
Man never Is, but always To be blest:
The soul, uneasy and confin'd from home,
Rests and expatiates in a life to come.

-Alexander Pope, An Essay on Man, Epistle I, 1733

Writer's Desk I

Writer's Desk I Art Print
24 in. x 18 in.
Buy at

Posted On: Cobwebs Of The Mind

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Scam! OMG! Look Who Pulled A Scam On Me!

So there I was all excited because over at At Last! Writer Beware Blogs!, one of the two best Scammer Police Women (Police People?) on the Internet, A.C. Crispin, posted a teaser on the blog a few days ago, Looking Forward to Valentine's Day... In that teaser she wrote:
But I thought I'd just give you a heads-up...Victoria and I have a very special treat planned for our faithful blog readers on Valentine's Day -- because we LOVE you!

So keep watching this space...
Of course great fan that I am of these two denizens of the scammers and contests that should not be contests, I figured we are all going to get a PRESENT! You know - Valentine's Day flowers or chocolate or maybe even a Mug that every time I looked at it reminded me not to fall for the sweet lines and not to delude myself. Something on these lines:

Delusions - Cobwebs Of The Mind

So there I was day after day checking in waiting to get a peek at my Valentine's day present. I was really excited. Hey, one Valentine's Day Gift is better than none right?

Sheesh! Talk about being scammed! NOT FAIR! I want my money back! (Oh wait. I didn't pay anything. Scratches head for a second.) I still want my money back.

So what is the present?

Well in the post, Happy Valentine's Day from Writer Beware!, these two scary ladies begin with:
Well, here it is, the Valentine's "gift" we've been promising our faithful readers for what seems like a long time now: the companion piece to our list of scuzzy agents--Writer Beware's "Two Thumbs Down" publishers list!
Sheesh! What a let down! Now since they did ask to link to the list and not copy and paste it, and since I am still hoping for my mug, I think it is important to follow the rules. As they write: and enjoy, while you nibble your Godiva truffles. Oh--and if you want to disseminate the list (and we know you will), please link to this post rather than copying and pasting.
But..but..but..but - This stuff is still kind of important. More than kind of if you are looking for an agent or publisher. I am not going to copy the list - (hint hint...where is my mug?) but I am going to just post the headlines of the SEVEN CARDINAL RULES that are posted over at At Last! Writer Beware Blogs! in the post Happy Valentine's Day from Writer Beware!.

I strongly urge anyone who is looking for an agent or publisher or into a contest make At Last! Writer Beware Blogs! a Bookmarked blog and visited often. In short "don't mess with Crispin & Strauss - just listen to them and take their advice".

The following is just the headlines of what you should be watching for. Go and read their whole post -
Happy Valentine's Day from Writer Beware!
1. Fee-charging
2. Author-unfriendly contracts
3. Deliberately misleading advertising
4. Conflicts of interest
5. Lack of editorial gatekeeping
6. Poor or inadequate editing.
7. Repeated breach of contractual obligations
Now let us get back to this teaser thing. Next year for Valentine's Day we want something colorful and original. (I am putting in my order way ahead of time!) And since it was Valentine's Day below is the Valentine's Day Picture from Cobwebs Of The Mind to
Writer Beware.

Thank you for all your work. Thank you for being there. Thank you for making sure without giving in to fear or intimidation that the "real information" is out there for all those who care to look for it. Thank you for trying to help.

Rose Medidative, c.1958

Rose Medidative, c.1958 Art Print
Dali, Salvador
16 in. x 20 in.
Buy at

The illustration above from is linked to the poster on the original page @

Posted On: Cobwebs Of The Mind

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Cobwebs Of The Mind Blog Review: Kristen King's "Inkthinker" & Etc.

I have been really bad with Cobwebs Of The Mind. Truth be told there are quite a few topics I really want to cover, but sometimes just no time. Though I have promised this before, I do hope to get back to a more normal posting schedule.

Kristen King - Cobwebs Of The MindThis blog review is really long overdue. Of all the blogs I have reviewed Kristen King's "Inkthinker" is probably the most famous (and we are going to get to her other sites as well!). Kristen King's Inkthinker was named one of the Top 10 Blogs for Writers by white-paper guru Michael Stelzner. It also has a Google PageRank as of this review, of 5, which is impressive for a writer and freelancer. That simply means people visit her site and link to it again and again, which tells us that Kristen has information others are truly interested in.

And first thing is first though. Truth be told Kristen sent me two photographs. Of course, being me, I forgot which one she wanted me to use. So we are going to use both! (Hey, I write the reviews I get to post the pics!)

Now let us get down to our review shall we?

Kristen does not just sell herself, but wants to help others in the process. That folks is the most commendable thing of all about Kristen. A few things strike the reader of Inkthinker. First off, Kristen knows what she is writing about. This is not a fly-by-night blog with possible tips and tricks. This is a writer who knows her business of freelancing. You do not get put in the top 10 blogs for writers for just having a cute smile. Kristen knows her stuff.

The second thing that strikes the reader of Inkthinker is the wealth of information and possibilities that Kristen offers her readers. It covers the world of freelancing. She brings together the sources of conferences, courses, ideas and article possibilities. Not only in freelance but in creative writing as well.

Talk is cheap. Good writing is priceless. The third thing that strikes the reader of Inkthinker is the fact that Kristen is real. No anonymous junk here. No spewing from the mouth. Acceptance is acceptance and rejection is rejection and Kristen does not hesitate to share both feelings with her readers.

The final point that struck me, as an author of not just one blog, is how incredibly accessible Kristen makes herself to her reading public. Email addresses and even phone numbers are posted in the blog.

Kristen also has a professional newsletter which is well worth the price of signing up for since it is totally free. (And just two minutes on this blog you know that Kristen will never spam you either!) As she writes:
Kristen's Notes in the Margin newsletter for free tips, tricks, and resources for writers, editors, and the people who hire them.
Notes in the Margin also has its own web site where you can read archived back issues and articles.

Think I am done? Not by a long shot. If you are into submissions and writing the perfect query (something I have long ago given up on - my queries will forever bite the dust!) then the following is for you. For the benefit of readers here at Cobwebs Of The Mind I am quoting this in full, with the links intact, from Inkthinker:
The 2007 Inkthinker Query Challenge is in full swing, and the only thing that's missing is you!

Join a group of writers determined to get out 120 queries before the end of the 2007 calendar year.

All you have to do is e-mail me your name and blog or website URL and let me know you're in, and I'll add you to the list of Query Challenge participants.

Not only will you have the satisfaction of giving yourself 120 opportunities for writing success, but as an active participant, but you'll also be automatically entered for random prize drawings throughout the year, and you'll be eligible for the grand prize in December, awarded to the participant with the most queries.

What are you waiting for? Read the official kickoff and FAQs.
In the sidebar at Inkthinker take a look at the "The Word on the Street About Kristen King". It is impressive.

The final point that struck me, as an author of not just one blog, is how incredibly accessible Kristen makes herself to her reading public. Now we move on to another web site - "kristen king freelancing" where the header is: "talk is cheap. good writing is priceless." If you need a freelancer for your business this editor/freelancer is for you.

Need an editor? Well then take a look at "editing for everyone" where Kristen is one of the editors on staff and is her own academic editing business.

In short anything to do with writing, editing and freelancing - Kristen King is willing and able and talented enough to do it. She has established a niche in the market and she certainly has not only presented her capabilities to the public, but she has gone one step better. Kristen offers advice, tips, ideas to all those writers out there. She does not just sell herself, but wants to help others in the process. That folks is the most commendable thing of all about Kristen.

Kristen King - Cobwebs Of The MindOops! Hits head. Almost forgot. I promised the other picture of Kristen. Well some things are just fun to do!

Inkthinker gets an easy Five Stars if not Ten!

Put Inkthinker on your list of blogs to visit at least once a week. At the very least! You want to write? You want to earn money writing? This is one place you must visit - constantly.

Posted On: Cobwebs Of The Mind

The Chronicles of the Children of Heaven The View From Jerusalem T3 - Teddy's Techie Tips Cobwebs Of The Mind Help! I Have A Fire In My KitchenClick For Teddy's Writing Mania

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

You Just Got To Love Free Advice

Beware! Long discombobulated story to follow!

So there I was actually minding my own business (which I admit is a rarity). I had to pick up the CD of photographs from my son's recent Bar Mitzvah. (Yep, I talk about that a great deal. Deal with it!) I love walking in the rain and so I decided today would be a good time to walk in the drizzle and rain of Jerusalem.

The photographer told me to meet him on a street I was fairly familiar with. When I got there, I called him and he came out of his apartment with another man. I know this photographer for over 20 years as we had worked in high tech together. He is a really good photographer and had a long career in high tech until he got fed up and went to doing photography full time.

Hats off to him and I hope he makes a bundle.

He did me a really huge favor for the Bar Mitzvah pictures so I was more than willing to meet him at his time and place. And that is where I got caught.

All I really wanted to do was pick up the CD and mosey over to a cafe so I could get out this next short story I was working on called "Coincidence". I want to get it out - on paper - because that is how I work. First good old fashioned pen on a good hard back notebook and then into the puter when I want to see the story unfold.

Ahh, but the trap awaited. You see the guy my photographer was visiting, was a visitor from the US, who has come to ply his wares here and show us all how to become great businessmen. I have heard this story so many times it makes me want to puke. But I always enjoy meeting new people and when I heard the visitor to our country had some background not only in High Tech but in security I wanted to hear more.

So I made my way into his apartment and listened to him try and interest me in something that was so not clear to me I thought I was senile. Some plan of doing this and that. Before I knew it I was handed a plastic card and "asked" to come to a meeting on the morrow in a 5 star hotel at which around 50 other people would be attending. Why? That was kind of cloaked in mystery. Something to do with business connections. What this had to do with me I am still clueless about. Why I should listen to the "visitor" well that left me even more clueless. But hell, I wish him luck.

Meanwhile in the apartment we exchanged pleasantries and though I could not get a straight answer out of the visitor as to exactly what it is he is doing, I answered him honestly in what I was up to. Writing, working with agents and publishing. The ups and downs. I made it short and sweet.

When I mentioned writing, of course, he said: "I am writing my book now". I said "great" though I did not ask anymore. By that time I realized that cryptic answers were the visitors "signature" and he wanted to lay this aura of mystery and power around his august chair. I know people like this. I am too old to dig into their aura. Either out with it or have fun holding your secrets. Who the hell has time for cat and mouse games?

Shrugging at the uselessness of all the stuff, I thanked him and made my merry way out of there. Pretentious people are, well, pretentious. Nothing more and nothing less.

Cobwebs Of The Mind

Later on while walking back home and tired as hell, I realized that I had kind of committed to be in a hotel at 8 AM, no less. There was just no way that was going to happen so I called my photographer friend to tell him, and to try and understand in just simple terms what this guy was doing.

So my friend says to me that the moment I left this guy called me a putz. And why did he call me a putz I asked? I am used to pissing people off but I did not in any way shape manner or form do it with the "visitor". Well my photographer friend answers me, that the "visitor" said if I wanted to publish my book, he could make it happen for me in a couple of months.

That was when I laughed. It was honestly a joyous laugh. It took a millisecond to realize that once again I had met the genius of the publishing world who was going to POD or self-publish his book. It took but a second to realize that wherever you go and whatever you do, everyone has such great advice - because they really truly understand the publishing industry.

Not only that but he could do it without ever reading a word I wrote. Now that is a miracle. An arrogant miracle, I admit, but nevertheless a miracle. Wow! An editor, agent and publisher all rolled into one really knowledgeable human being. Look what I passed up. Sheesh.

I had to laugh. I told my friend, that the "visitor" is right. I am a putz. Stupid, idiotic and dumb. Getting published is really that simple. Sigh. Why didn't I learn this years ago! I should really go and POD my work so I can call myself my an author and then invite 50 people to a breakfast in a five star hotel so I can ply my wares to them.

Lesson to be learned. When you go pick up a CD of pictures from a photographer stay away from anyone else. Could you believe it? I really almost had my book published and I turned down the opportunity. Silly me. Stupid me.

One can only shake one's head and wonder at the arrogance of some people. And it was then I realized just how easy it is for a hopeful, naive author to get taken in by people like this.

Cobwebs Of The Mind

All illustrations above are from the All hyperlinks on the posters will take you to their original page @

Posted On: Cobwebs Of The Mind

The Chronicles of the Children of Heaven The View From Jerusalem T3 - Teddy's Techie Tips Cobwebs Of The Mind Help! I Have A Fire In My KitchenClick For Teddy's Writing Mania