Thursday, January 18, 2007

Contests, Contests, Contests & Even More Contests

First let me apologize for the break in posts. This past week has been an incredibly busy one with writing and preparations for my son's Bar Mitzvah next weekend. I just had to give up on Blogs and posting and all that stuff to remain a bit of sane.

Many writers see contests as a possible springboard to success--a way to add to their writing resumes, or get a toehold in the industry. However, for novelists, poets, and short fiction writers, few of the hundreds of contests out there have that kind of prestige. So when I came back to my normal perusal of the world of bloggers, writing and events, the one thing that struck me is that everyone and their mommy is talking about contests.
Over at Writer Beware we have no less than three recent posts all devoted to contests etc.
First a really important and informative post: Victoria Strauss -- Evaluating Literary Contests which really should be read by every writer thinking of entering a contest. I will quote from Ms. Strauss's last paragraph. Because if you read anything - burn this into your head.
Last but not least--is it worth it? Many writers see contests as a possible springboard to success--a way to add to their writing resumes, or get a toehold in the industry. However, for novelists, poets, and short fiction writers, few of the hundreds of contests out there have that kind of prestige. A contest will impress an agent or editor only if s/he recognizes it, and a string of obscure contest wins will not strengthen your query letter. Screenwriters have more options, but even so, the reputable contests are outnumbered by the pointless, useless, or deceptive ones.
In Cobwebs Of The Mind we have discussed the Sobol award at great length (Weighing In On The Sobol Award). It seems that due to all the noise, this award was closed down. The post: Victoria Strauss -- Sobol Contest Closes, is important to read because it shows the fairness and thought process and certainly the difficult choice that the Sobol Award presented writers.

Victoria Strauss -- In the Wake of Sobol
brings us yet news of another contest over at While Writer Beware does not nix this contest it certainly puts a few real important questions out there. However, over at Pub Rants, agent Kristine Nelson, in her post Look! A Contest Without A Fee discusses the exact same contest in a more positive light.

And lest we not forget Miss Snark. First off, she just ran her own contest "the crapometer". And though no awards are given and no contracts are handed out, I assume this little event, has had the eyes of thousands of writers peeled to her blog, reading every word. Now that the crapometer is over, Miss Snark talks about yet another contest and why she likes it in the post entitled: Contest for unpubbed mystery/thriller writers.

And then as if this all were not enough, again at Writer Beware we have the posts entitled: Victoria Strauss -- Breakthrough Script Showcase: Another Iffy Contest and Victoria Strauss -- News of the Weird: BOOKBEAT TV respectively, all discussing contests and awards.

It seems everyone has contests on the brain. It seems that there is no end to contests and the ability to win "something". Even the lovely (and I use that word in a very cynical way) Gent's Outlook (Super Teddy Award Series For Agents, Editors & Publishers - "A Gent's Outlook") had something to say.

Contests are great. I never entered one just because I know I would loose. I do not judge them so much by how much they cost either. I judge them by who is behind it and what the rules are. If you are a contest "freak" and want to enter one of the zillion contests around, do yourself a favor and check around in Writer Beware and other blogs. Don't enter contests blind. Don't assume that because someone has a web page the contest is legit. On the other hand do not immediately say "no" to every contest. Some are really worthwhile. Some have been around for years. Some are cool and some will give you a bit of prestige. So do your homework.

I can only wonder why during this week - the subject of contests seems to loom large in every blog. But that is the nature of the beast.

Posted On: Cobwebs Of The Mind

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